Miracolul naşterii A Miracle Was Born
Emoţia sărbătorilor de iarnă aduce mărturia unui adevăr de necontestat: Naşterea lui Iisus.
În timpurile care vor veni, ne vom aduce aminte de acest miracol, în fiecare moment.
Am primit un mesaj, cu gândurile Papei Francisc, care ne arată cine suntem sau cine ar trebui să fim Iată-l!
„Bradul de Crăciun, ești tu…….când reziști împotriva vanturilor și greutăților vieții.
Globurile pomului de Crăciun ești tu…….când îți colorezi viața cu cele mai frumoase calități. Luminițele de Crăciun ești tu…… când luminezi drumul celorlalți cu bunătate, veselie, răbdare și generozitate.
Urarea de Crăciun ești tu…… când ierți și restabilești pacea chiar și atunci când suferi.”
Mai este nevoie de altceva?
Sărbători fericite, tuturor!
English Version
The spirit of the winter holidays brings the testimony of an undeniable truth: The Birth of Jesus.
In the times to come, we will remember this miracle at every moment.
I received a message, with the thoughts of Pope Francis, showing us who we are or who we should be. Here is it!
In the times to come, we will remember this miracle at every moment.
I received a message, with the thoughts of Pope Francis, showing us who we are or who we should be. Here is it!
„Christmas tree, it is you ……. when you resist the winds and hardships of life.
The Christmas tree globes are you ……. when you color your life with the most beautiful qualities. Christmas lights are you …… when you light the way of others with kindness, joy, patience and generosity.
The Christmas wish is you …… when you forgive and restore peace even when you suffer. „
The Christmas tree globes are you ……. when you color your life with the most beautiful qualities. Christmas lights are you …… when you light the way of others with kindness, joy, patience and generosity.
The Christmas wish is you …… when you forgive and restore peace even when you suffer. „
Is there anything else needed?Happy Holidays everyone!
3 răspunsuri
Hello there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to
follow you if that would be okay. I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates.
Unfortunately I don’t have. Not enough time. I am a writer and is a bit difficult to manage a twitter account but I’ll try to do it.
Thank you very much!
Not yet. I’ll try to get an account on Twitter soon.
Thank you very much!